Начало > Брой 6, Септември 2010 > РЕКЛАМИ В Брой 6, 2010 > Фанук България Корпорейшън

Фанук България Корпорейшън, СП. ИНЖЕНЕРИНГ РЕВЮ - Брой 6, 2010

РЕКЛАМНА ПУБЛИКАЦИЯ Фанук България Корпорейшън

Системи за цифрово-програмно управление със серво и шпиндел задвижвания, подходящи за различни обработващи центри и стругове, както и за ретрофит на стари машини CNC Series 0i - MD High reliability and high cost-performance NANO CNC suitable for Machining Center •Packages of the most efficient CNC features •Max. total number of control axes: 8 axes •Simultaneously controlled axes: 4 axes •Drive systems: ?i, ?i Series •Available LCD unit: 8.4"/10.4" color •AI contour control and NANO interpolation •Nano smoothing •Jerk control •Spindle control with servo motor •Embedded Ethernet as standard •Dual Check Safety •Tool management function •C Language Executor, FANUC PICTURE •Function Block (PMC function) •NCGuide, CGuidePro •Stand-alone Type CNC Series 0i - TD High reliability and high cost-performance NANO CNC suitable for 1-path or 2-path Lathe •Packages of the most efficient CNC features •Max. total number of control axes : 1-path sys. 8 axes, 2-path sys. 11 axes •Simultaneously controlled axes : 4 axes •Drive systems : ?i, ?i Series •Available LCD unit : 8.4"/10.4" color •NANO interpolation •Spindle control with servo motor •Embedded Ethernet as standard •Dual Check Safety •Tool management function •C Language Executor, FANUC PICTURE •Function Block (PMC function) •NCGuide, CGuidePro •Stand-alone Type Fanuc Си Ен Си България, 1164 София, бул. Хр. Смирненски 29-37, тел.: 02/ 9633319, факс: 02/ 9632873, e-mail: service@bg.fanuceurope.eu
