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Роде & Шварц

Oscilloscopeinnovation.Measurementconfidence.Find the ideal Rohde & Schwarz tool for your application:www.rohde-schwarz.com/oscilloscopes

Starting at EUR 960

ТП „Роде и Шварц Йостерайх“ Г.м.б.Х.1463 София, ул. Милосърдна 8тел: 02 954 2882, факс: 02 954 2992email: rs-bulgaria@rohde-schwarz.com

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Роде & Шварц

Compact. Portable.Powerful.Experience ournew analyzers:

3-in-1 allrounderThe R&S®ZNL network analyzer is a 3-in-1 instrument:a network analyzer, a spectrum analyzer and a powermeter. It offers solid RF performance and fast measurementsin one compact box.

For lab and fieldThe R&S®FPL1000 spectrum analyzer provides goodRF performance with a small footprint. Its light weightand battery make it ... още

Роде & Шварц

Compact. Portable.Powerful.Experience ournew analyzers:

3-in-1 allrounderThe R&S®ZNL network analyzer is a 3-in-1 instrument:a network analyzer, a spectrum analyzer and a powermeter. It offers solid RF performance and fast measurementsin one compact box.

For lab and fieldThe R&S®FPL1000 spectrum analyzer provides goodRF performance with a small footprint. Its light weightand battery make it ... още

Роде & Шварц

The needAn oscilloscope with excellent performance to get my development done on time.The realityThe new R&S®RTOMeet demanding challenges withthe R&S®RTORTO2000 (600 MHz to 6 GHz):• Quickly find signal faults with 1 Million waveforms/s• Zone trigger easily isolates events in time or frequency domain• Multi-channel spectrum analysis for correlated analysis• Fast ... още

Роде & Шварц

Power of tenGet in touch with thenew ?RTB2000series oscilloscopes.

?RTB2000 oscilloscopes (70 MHz to 300 MHz) team top technologywith top quality. They surpass all other oscilloscopes in their class,delivering more power plus intuitive usability at a convincing price.

For more information and where to buy, visitwww.scope-of-the-art.com/ad/rtb2000

ТП „Роде и Шварц Йостерайх“ ... още

Роде & Шварц

Power of tenGet in touch with thenew ®RTB2000series oscilloscopes.

®RTB2000 oscilloscopes (70 MHz to 300 MHz) team top technologywith top quality. They surpass all other oscilloscopes in their class,delivering more power plus intuitive usability at a convincing price.For more information and where to buy, visitwww.scope-of-the-art.com/ad/rtb2000

ТП „Роде и Шварц ... още

Роде & Шварц

Power of tenGet in touch with thenew R&S®RTB2000series oscilloscopes.

R&S®RTB2000 oscilloscopes (70 MHz to 300 MHz) team top technologywith top quality. They surpass all other oscilloscopes in their class,delivering more power plus intuitive usability at a convincing price.For more information and where to buy, visitwww.scope-of-the-art.com/ad/rtb2000

ТП „Роде и Шварц Йостерайх“ Г.м.б.Х. ... още


Your partner inautomotive testingTrendsetting applications such as eCall, car2car, driverassistance systems and wireless communications havebecome ubiquitous in vehicles today.Rohde & Schwarz supports car manufacturers and theirsubsuppliers as well as institutes and test houses withT&M solutions for the development and production ofsuch applications.Your advantages:• Unrivaled portfolio of T&M solutions• Worldwide development, ... още

РОДЕ & ШВАРЦ Остерайх ГмбХ

Experience our handheld scope for2 minutes and you‘ll never look backThe R&S®Scope Rider offers troubleshooting power for the field:• 60 MHz to 500 MHz• Isolated channels and integrated multimeter: CAT IV 600 V• IP51: rugged, dust and water resistant housing• 7” capacitive touch display• Wireless LAN remote controlRead more at ... още


Best in EMC testing: More speed. More insight. More intelligence.

The .ESR is the new test receiver for standard-compliant EMC testing. . Save time The .ESR time domain scan makes EMC measurements faster than ever before, allowing you to dedicate more time to your main mission.

. Find everything The ... още

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Ние създадохме осцилоскоп с потребителски интерфейс, който ви улеснява да се фокусирате върху най-важните неща. Убедете се сами www.scope-of-the-art.com ... още
Ние създадохме осцилоскоп с потребителски интерфейс, който ви улеснява да се фокусирате върху най-важните неща. Убедете се сами www.scope-of-the-art.com ... още

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