Рекламни публикации на Wuerth Elektronik

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Wuerth Elektronik



With the WE-MXGI Würth Elektronik offers thenewest molded power inductor series. It combinesan innovative iron alloy material that provides highpermability for lowest RDC values combined withan optimized wire geometry.

Ready to Design-In? Take advantage of personaltechnical support and free samples ex-stock.

Highlights• Extremely high power density• ... още

Wuerth Elektronik



Highlights• Extremely high power density• Ultra low RDC values and AC losses• Magnetically shielded

• Optimized for high switching frequencies

With the WE-MXGI Würth Elektronik offers thenewest molded power inductor series. It combinesan innovative iron alloy material that provides highpermability for lowest RDC values combined withan optimized wire geometry.

Ready to ... още

Wuerth Elektronik


Highlights• Extremely high power density• Ultra low RDC values and AC losses• Magnetically shielded• Optimized for high switching frequencies

With the WE-MXGI Wurth Elektronik offers thenewest molded power inductor series. It combinesan innovative iron alloy material that provides highpermability for lowest RDC values combined withan ... още

Wuerth Elektronik


WE meet @PCIM EuropeHall 6-342

The IP67 & IP68 Protected Industrial ConnectionDiscover high-quality circular connectors designed fordemanding environments. With its ingress protection,our connectors ensure reliable connections forapplications such as fieldbus, actuators/sensors,and robotics. With its PCB, cable, and solder variants,along with additional service options, our versatileM12 connectors allow ... още

Wuerth Elektronik


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State of the Art Power Modules

The MagI³C FIMM Fixed Isolated MicroModule seriescombines the features of an isolated power module withthose of a classic MicroModule. It is realized in an LGA-7housing and impresses with its miniaturized dimensions.The 1 W ... още

Wuerth Elektronik


NEW: • Size 5020 & 5030• HT version up to 150° C• Automotive seriesWE-MAIA availableAEC-Q200 Grade 0&1

High Performance Metal Alloy Family

The WE-MAPI is a innovative molded power inductorseries with wide size line-up that offers up to 50 % higherrated current than similar round wire molded inductors.With up to ... още

Wuerth Elektronik


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Adrastea-I is a Cellular Module with High Performance,Ultra-Low Power Consumption, Multi-Band LTE-M andNB-IoT Module.

Despite its compact size, the module has integrated GNSS,integrated ARM Cortex M4 and 1MB Flash reserved foruser application development. The module is based onthe ... още

Wuerth Elektronik

YOUR KEY TOCELLULARTECHNOLOGYWE meet @PCIM EuropeHall 6-217Adrastea-I is a Cellular Module with High Performance,Ultra-Low Power Consumption, Multi-Band LTE-M andNB-IoT Module.Despite its compact size, the module has integrated GNSS,integrated ARM Cortex M4 and 1MB Flash reserved foruser application development. The module is based on thehigh-performance Sony Altair ALT1250 chipset.The Adrastea-I module, ... още

Wuerth Elektronik


Noise free e-mobility

e-Mobility is no longer a question of tomorrow and thenumber of e-vehicles is increasing day by day. Handling EMInoise is becoming more and more crucial, when it comes todesign new electronic devices and systems. Würth Elektronikoffers a wide range of EMC components, which support ... още

Wuerth Elektronik


WE meet @electronicaHall A5, Booth 406

Noise free e-mobilitye-Mobility is no longer a question of tomorrow and thenumber of e-vehicles is increasing day by day. Handling EMInoise is becoming more and more crucial, when it comes todesign new electronic devices and systems. Würth Elektronikoffers a wide ... още

Wuerth Elektronik


WE meet @electronicaHall A5, Booth 406

Noise free e-mobilitye-Mobility is no longer a question of tomorrow and thenumber of e-vehicles is increasing day by day. Handling EMInoise is becoming more and more crucial, when it comes todesign new electronic devices and systems. Würth Elektronikoffers a wide ... още

Wuerth Elektronik

TAILORED TOYOUR NEEDS.Custom & Standard Terminal Blocks


Würth Elektronik Terminal BlocksIn addition to a portfolio of more than 2000 standard articles,Würth Elektronik offers various possibilities to tailor the productsto your specific requirements. Personalized modificationsof standard terminal blocks are available for smallto medium quantities within a few days ... още

Wuerth Elektronik


Optocouplers by Würth ElektronikWE meet @PCIM EuropeHall 6-402

Optocouplers by Würth ElektronikWith the new optocouplers, Würth Elektronik presentsone of the latest additions to its optoelectronic productportfolio. The innovative design features a coplanarstructure and high-grade silicon for total internalreflection. The coplanar design ensures the isolation gapstay fixed during the production process and ... още

Wuerth Elektronik


REDEXPERT.Würth Elektronik’s online platform for simple componentselection and performance simulation:www.we-online.com/redexpert

• Pulse Designer for EMC PCB Ferrites to meet inrushcurrent requirements based on inrush currentamplitude and pulse length• The world’s most accurate AC loss model• Filter settings for over 20 electrical and mechanicalparameters• Inductor simulation ... още

Wuerth Elektronik

Tailored toyour needs.Custom & StandardTerminal Blocks

Wurth Elektronik Terminal BlocksIn addition to a portfolio of more than 2000 standard articles, Wurth Elektronik offers various possibilitiesto tailor the products to your specifi c requirements. Personalized modifi cations of standard terminal blocksare available for small to medium quantities within a few days as ... още

Wuerth Elektronik

Tailored toyour needs.Custom & StandardTerminal Blocks

Wurth Elektronik Terminal BlocksIn addition to a portfolio of more than 2000 standard articles, Wurth Elektronik offers various possibilitiesto tailor the products to your specifi c requirements. Personalized modifi cations of standard terminal blocksare available for small to medium quantities within a few days as ... още

Wuerth Elektronik


REDEXPERT. Würth Elektronik‘s online platform for simplecomponent selection and performance simulation.www.we-online.com/redexpert

• The world’s most accurateAC loss model• Filter settings for over 20electrical and mechanicalparameters• Inductor simulation andselection for DC/DC converters• Available in seven languages• No login required• Ability to compare inductance/current and temperature ... още

Wuerth Elektronik

Keep it simple!Sense with MEMS.

MEMS Sensor Portfolio & Customer ServiceSensors are an integral part of every future application. Measuringtemperature, humidity, pressure or acceleration has never beeneasier. Take advantage of services like our Software DevelopmentKit and Evaluation Boards available off-the-shelf. Detailed documentationsas well as the direct support by trained engineers will ... още

Wuerth Elektronik

Nothing left?Check our MLCC menu!

WE are here for you!Join our free webinars onwww.we-online.com/webinars

MLCCDue to the trend of miniaturization, manufacturers of MLCCshave focused on small sizes for years. Wide-ranging productdiscontinuations continue to cause uncertainties in the MLCCmarket. We are your reliable partner – not only in these troubledtimes. Würth Elektronik offers ... още

Wuerth Elektronik


WE are here for you!Join our free webinars onwww.we-online.com/webinars

Tact SwitchesThe Tact Switches from Wurth Elektronik are characterizedby performance stability and long lifetime. All metal elementsare corrosion resistant proven by a 48 hours salt spray test.Polyimide tape or silicone rubber protect the switch even intough environments. The switch range includes ... още

Wuerth Elektronik


REDEXPERT. Wurth Elektronik’s online platform for simplecomponent selection and performance simulation.

• Pulse Designer for EMC PCB Ferrites to meet inrush currentrequirements based on inrush current amplitude and pulse length• The world’s most accurate AC loss model• Filter settings for over 20 electrical and ... още

Wuerth Elektronik


REDEXPERT. Wurth Elektronik’s online platform for simple componentselection and performance simulation.

• The world’s most accurate AC loss model•Filter settings for over 20 electrical and mechanical parameters• Inductor simulation and selection for DC/DC converters• Ability to compare inductance/current and temperature rise/DC currentusing interactive measurement curves• Available in seven languages• Online platform ... още

Wuerth Elektronik

USB Type-CTM.24 reasons toconnect with us.

GND TX1+ TX1- +V CC1 D+ D- SBU1 +V RX2- RX2+ GNDGND RX1+ RX1- +V SBU2 D- D+ CC2 +V TX2- TX2+ GND

WE are here for you!Join our free webinars onwww.we-online.com/webinars

USB Type-C™Würth Elektronik offers the complete product range from connectors,components for filtering of EMI noise, ... още

Wuerth Elektronik

Happy with

MLCC Downsizing?Check our menu.

MLCCWurth Elektronik offers a large portfolio of MLCC sizes up to 2220.While downsizing might be the right choice for some applications,others require larger sizes of MLCCs for keeping the required electricalperformance, volumetric capacitance and DC bias behavior. Long termavailability ex stock. High quality samples free of ... още

Wuerth Elektronik


Infrared Dream Team.

The infrared emitters and photodetectors from Wurth Elektronikensure perfect optical coupling and extremely fast switchingtimes. Provided in all industry standard packages. Optimize yoursensing applications, data transfer or detection uses. Availableex stock. Samples free of charge.

For further information, please visit:www.we-online.com/infrared

• Perfect optical coupling• Fast switching times• Wavelengths: 850 ... още

Wuerth Elektronik

Happy withMLCC Downsizing?

Check our menu.

MLCCWurth Elektronik offers a large portfolio of MLCC sizes up to 2220.While downsizing might be the right choice for some applications,others require larger sizes of MLCCs for keeping the required electricalperformance, volumetric capacitance and DC bias behavior. Long termavailability ex stock. High quality samples free of ... още

Wuerth Elektronik


LANAQCurious how the WE-LAN AQ is builtinside? Discover our new 3D onlineapplication and get more information:www.we-online.com/lantastic

© eiSos

The WE-LAN AQ is a LAN transformer manufactured bya fully automated production process. Its innovative coilwinding technique reduces the electrical variation andincreases their reliability, while improving performanceover a wide frequency range. LAN transformers and ... още

Вюрт Електроник

Coupled Inductors

The WE-MCRI is an innovative moldedcoupled inductor with fully automated bifi larwinding process. It offers an almost idealcoupling coeffi cient up to 0.995. The WEMCRIfeatures a soft saturation behavior withits crystalline core structure and distributedair gap. The coupled inductor range includeshigh voltage isolation versions up to 2 kV,low profi ... още

Вюрт Електроник

An ExcellentDuet!

Coupled InductorsThe WE-MCRI is an innovative moldedcoupled inductor with fully automated bifi larwinding process. It offers an almost idealcoupling coeffi cient up to 0.995. The WEMCRIfeatures a soft saturation behavior withits crystalline core structure and distributedair gap. The coupled inductor range includeshigh voltage isolation versions up to 2 kV,low ... още

Вюрт Електроник

An ExcellentDuet!

PCIM Europe Hall 7 Booth 229

Coupled InductorsThe WE-MCRI is an innovative moldedcoupled inductor with fully automated bifi larwinding process. It offers an almost idealcoupling coeffi cient up to 0.995. The WEMCRIfeatures a soft saturation behavior withits crystalline core structure and distributedair gap. The coupled inductor range includeshigh voltage isolation ... още

Вюрт Електроник

An ExcellentDuet!

Coupled InductorsThe WE-MCRI is an innovative moldedcoupled inductor with fully automated bifi larwinding process. It offers an almost idealcoupling coeffi cient up to 0.995. The WEMCRIfeatures a soft saturation behavior withits crystalline core structure and distributedair gap. The coupled inductor range includeshigh voltage isolation versions up to 2 kV,low ... още

Вюрт Електроник

crystal clearfrequencies.

The WE-CMBNC is a VDE certifi ed seriesof common mode chokes with a highlypermeable nanocrystalline core material.Despite the small size, it delivers outstandingbroadband attenuation performance, highrated currents and low DC resistance values.Low profi le and high voltage ratings can alsobe realized by the common mode chokes ofthe WE-CMB family.

• ... още

Вюрт Електроник

MagPC Power Modules are easy-to-use DC/DC converterswith integrated regulator IC, power inductor andcapacitors. Design and layout reviews as well as supportwith EMI fi lter design are offered as a service for all customers.Datasheets contain detailed specifi cations andapplication information.

For more information please visit:www.we-online.com/powermodules

• Simple design-in process• Design and layout support• ... още

Вюрт Електроник

crystal clearfrequencies.

The WE-CMBNC is a VDE certifi ed seriesof common mode chokes with a highlypermeable nanocrystalline core material.Despite the small size, it delivers oustandingbroadband attenuation performance, highrated currents and low DC resistance values.Low profi le and high voltage ratings can alsobe realized by the common mode chokes ofthe WE-CMB family.

• ... още

Wuerth Elektronik

HortiCoolture.LED it grow!

Horticulture LED LightingNew horticultural products from the high power ceramicseries. Specially chosen wavelengths (450 nm, 660 nmand 730 nm) increase photosynthesis, optimizing plantdevelopment and growth. With outstanding PPF-value,small size and low power consumption, the WL-SMDCis the future choice for horticultural lighting. Availableex stock. Samples free of charge.For further ... още

Wuerth Elektronik

HortiCoolture.LED it grow!

Horticulture LED LightingNew horticultural products from the high power ceramicseries. Specially chosen wavelengths (450 nm, 660 nmand 730 nm) increase photosynthesis, optimizing plantdevelopment and growth. With outstanding PPF-value,small size and low power consumption, the WL-SMDCis the future choice for horticultural lighting. Availableex stock. Samples free of charge.

For further ... още

Wuerth Elektronik

Wurth ElektronikElectronic & Electromechanical Components

• All catalogue parts ex stock• Reference designs with all major IC manufacturer• Design kits with life time refill• Samples free of charge• Small quantities: We can deliver upon requestour technology leading components direct from stockto assist with pre production runs• Worldwide technical sales force: We ... още

Wuerth Elektronik

Wurth ElektronikElectronic & Electromechanical Components

• All catalogue parts ex stock• Reference designs with all major IC manufacturer• Design kits with life time refill• Samples free of charge• Small quantities: We can deliver upon requestour technology leading components direct from stockto assist with pre production runs• Worldwide technical sales force: We ... още

Вюрт Електроник

Wurth ElektronikElectronic & Electromechanical Components• All catalogue parts ex stock• Reference designs with all major IC manufacturer• Design kits with life time refill• Samples free of charge• Small quantities: We can deliver upon request our technology leading components direct from stock to assist with pre production runs• Worldwide technical sales ... още

Wuerth Elektronik

Wurth ElektronikElectronic & Electromechanical Components

All catalogue parts ex stock• Reference designs with all major IC manufacturer• Design kits with life time refill• Samples free of charge• Small quantities: We can deliver upon requestour technology leading components direct from stockto assist with pre production runs• Worldwide technical sales force: ... още

Wuerth Elektronik

Würth ElektronikElectronic & Electromechanical Components

 All catalogue parts ex stock Reference designs with all major IC manufacturer Design kits with life time refill Samples free of charge Small quantities: We can deliver upon request our technology leading components direct from stock to assist with pre production runs Worldwide ... още

Wuerth Elektronik

Würth ElektronikElectronic & Electromechanical Components

 All catalogue parts ex stock Reference designs with all major IC manufacturer Design kits with life time refill Samples free of charge Small quantities: We can deliver upon request our technology leading components direct from stock to assist with pre production runs Worldwide technical ... още

Wuerth Elektronik

Würth ElektronikElectronic & Electromechanical Components

 All catalogue parts ex stock Reference designs with all major IC manufacturer Design kits with life time refill Samples free of charge Small quantities: We can deliver upon request our technology leading components direct from stock to assist with pre production runs Worldwide technical sales ... още

Wuerth Elektronik

WE-MPSB: Импулсно стабилни чип бийд феритиWE-MPSB серията е първият в света феритен бийд, който е специфициран как работи при голям ток за преходни процеси. Този уникален бийд предпазва и удължава живота на вашето приложение. Той има ултраниско RDC съпротивление, което предоставя най-ниското самозатопляне в своя клас при големи токове. WE-MPSB ... още

Wuerth Elektronik

Würth ElektronikElectronic & Electromechanical Components All catalogue parts ex stock Reference designs with all major IC manufacturer Design kits with life time refill Samples free of charge Small quantities: We can deliver upon request our technology leading components direct from stock to assist with pre production runs Worldwide technical sales ... още

Wuerth Elektronik

Würth ElektronikElectronic & Electromechanical Components• All catalogue parts ex stock• Reference designs with all major IC manufacturer• Design kits with life time refill• Samples free of charge• Small quantities: We can deliver upon request our technology leading components direct from stock to assist with pre production runs• Worldwide technical sales ... още

Wuerth Elektronik

Wurth ElektronikElectronic & Electromechanical Components• All catalogue parts ex stock• Reference designs with all major IC manufacturer• Design kits with life time refill• Samples free of charge• Small quantities: We can deliver upon request our technology leading components direct from stock to assist with pre production runs• Worldwide technical sales ... още

Wuerth Elektronik

Wurth ElektronikElectronic & Electromechanical Components more than you expect• All catalogue parts ex stock• Reference designs with all major IC manufacturer• Design kits with life time refill• Samples free of charge• Small quantities: We can deliver upon request our technology leading components direct from stock to assist with pre production ... още

Wuerth Elektronik

Wurth ElektronikElectronic & Electromechanical Components• All catalogue parts ex stock• Reference designs with all major IC manufacturer• Design kits with life time refill• Samples free of charge• Small quantities: We can deliver upon request our technology leading components direct from stock to assist with pre production runs• Worldwide technical sales ... още

Wuerth Elektronik

Würth ElektronikElectronic & Electromechanical Components• All catalogue parts ex stock• Reference designs with all major IC manufacturer• Design kits with life time refill• Samples free of charge• Small quantities: We can deliver upon request our technology leading components direct from stock to assist with pre production runs• Worldwide technical sales ... още

Wuerth Elektronik

Wuerth Elektronik eiSos представи RED EXPERT - онлайн базиран дизайн-инструмент с най-прецизния в света калкулатор за AC-загуби

Wuerth Elektronik eiSos представи RED EXPERT - нов онлайн базиран инструмент, с който разработчиците могат да симулират индуктивности на Wuerth Elektronik. Само с няколко кликвания индуктивностите са избрани, a пълните AC-загуби - пресметнати.RED EXPERT ... още

Wuerth Elektronik

Würth ElektronikElectronic & Electromechanical Components• All catalogue parts ex stock• Reference designs with all major IC manufacturer• Design kits with life time refill• Samples free of charge• Small quantities: We can deliver upon request our technology leading components direct from stock to assist with pre production runs• Worldwide technical sales ... още

Wuerth Elektronik
Würth Elektronik Electronic & Electromechanical Components  All catalogue parts ex stock  Reference designs with all major IC manufacturer  Design kits with life time refill  Samples free of charge  Small quantities: We can deliver upon request our technology leading components direct from stock to assist with pre production runs  Worldwide technical sales ... още
Wuerth Elektronik
Wuerth Elektronik eiSos стартира разширена програма за кондензатори Wuerth Elektronik eiSos, един от водещите европейски производители на пасивни компоненти, допълни програмата си за EMC компоненти с въвеждането на сертифицирани X2 филм и X & Y керамични кондензатори. Допълнително се предлагат и алуминиеви електролитни и алуминиеви полимерни кондензатори, както и многослойни керамични ... още
Wuerth Elektronik
Würth Elektronik Electronic & Electromechanical Components  All catalogue parts ex stock  Reference designs with all major IC manufacturer  Design kits with life time refill  Samples free of charge  Small quantities: We can deliver upon request our technology leading components direct from stock to assist with pre production runs  Worldwide technical sales ... още
Wuerth Elektronik
Würth Elektronik Electronic & Electromechanical Components  All catalogue parts ex stock  Reference designs with all major IC manufacturer  Design kits with life time refill  Samples free of charge  Small quantities: We can deliver upon request our technology leading components direct from stock to assist with pre production runs  Worldwide technical sales ... още
Wuerth Elektronik
Wurth Elektronik Electronic & Electromechanical Components Wurth Elektronik Electronic & Electromechanical Components . All catalogue parts ex stock . Reference designs with all major IC manufacturer . Design kits with life time refill . Samples free of charge . Small quantities: We can deliver upon request our technology leading components direct from stock to assist with pre production runs . Worldwide ... още
Wuerth Elektronik
Wurth Elektronik Electronic & Electromechanical Components Wurth Elektronik Electronic & Electromechanical Components . All catalogue parts ex stock . Reference designs with all major IC manufacturer . Design kits with life time refill . Samples free of charge . Small quantities: We can deliver upon request our technology leading components direct from stock to assist with pre production runs . Worldwide ... още
Wuerth Elektronik
Wurth Elektronik Electronic & Electromechanical Components Wurth Elektronik Electronic & Electromechanical Components . All catalogue parts ex stock . Reference designs with all major IC manufacturer . Design kits with life time refill . Samples free of charge . Small quantities: We can deliver upon request our technology leading components direct from stock to assist with pre production runs . Worldwide ... още
Wuerth Elektronik
Wurth Elektronik Electronic & Electromechanical Components Wurth Elektronik Electronic & Electromechanical Components . All catalogue parts ex stock . Reference designs with all major IC manufacturer . Design kits with life time refill . Samples free of charge . Small quantities: We can deliver upon request our technology leading components direct from stock to assist with pre production runs . Worldwide ... още