Рекламни публикации на Seco Tools
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SMART TOOL CHOICES,FAST CUTTING DATA,ANYWHERE Елиминирайте проблемите при настройка. Със Seco Assistant,нашето ново мобилно приложение "всичко в едно",можетебързо и лесно да определите кои инструменти и стратегииза металорязане ще намалят разходите Ви и ще повишатпроизводителността Ви. WWW.SECOTOOLS.COM ... още |
SMART TOOL CHOICES,FAST CUTTING DATA,ANYWHERE Елиминирайте проблемите при настройка. Със Seco Assistant, нашето ново мобилно приложение "всичко в едно",можете бързо и лесно да определите кои инструменти и стратегии за металорязане ще намалят разходите Ви и ще повишат производителността Ви. WWW.SECOTOOLS.COM ... още |
YOUR CHALLENGEA large cutting tool inventorywith too many single use tools;poor tool life or unreliablemachining operation. OUR SOLUTIONA supremely flexible cutteroptimized for a wide range ofworkpiece materials and squareshoulder applications. DISCOVER TURBO 16YOUR GO-TO-TOOL SECO ... още |
Take your ISO-M and Sfinishing operations to thenext level with innovative newbarrel-style tools from Seco.Featuring circle-segment geometriesdesigned for advancedprogramming strategies, thesetools can take big stepovers for80% faster finishing operations. TAKE BIGGER STEPOVERSFOR FASTER FINISHINGPRODUCTIVITY ... още |
COST-EFFECTIVESOLUTION FORMACHINING IN ALUMINIUM Maximize both speed andcost effectiveness with ournew XP08 small-diameterindexable router for roughand semi finishing operationsin aluminium workpieces. WWW.SECOTOOLS.COM ... още |
Reduce your inventory andthe overall cost per hole.Seco’s newly expanded rangeof Universal solid carbidedrills offers good performancein steels, stainlesssteels and cast irons for thehighest level of value andversatility. KEEP YOUR DRILLINGCOSTS LOW ANDVERSATILITY HIGH WWW.SECOTOOLS.COM SECO ... още |
If you are interested in doingsomething to contributetowards the wellbeing of ourplanet, order your productsfrom Seco Tools online.
FOR LONG TOOL LIFE ANDSTABILITY, KEEPROUND INSERTS IN PLACE You lose tool life and processsecurity when round insertsrotate in cutter body pocketsduring milling operations.Lock down longer tool lifeand process security with ournon-rotating Round 10 and 16inserts. WWW.SECOTOOLS.COM SECO ... още |
MERRY CHRISTMASAND A HAPPY NEW YEAR Looking forwardto a wonderfulchristmas and asuccessful new year.
FACING POOR CHIPCONTROL ESPECIALLY INSTICKY MATERIALS? Our latest disc mill cutters335.18 and 335.19 offersinternal coolant channels forsmooth and problem-freeoperations. WWW.SECOTOOLS.COM ... още |
Discover our newDuratomic® TM1501,TM2501 and TM3501grades with advancedused-edge detection. UNUSED EDGES INCREASEYOUR TOOLING COSTS? WWW.SECOTOOLS.COM ... още |
POOR SURFACE FINISHESRUINING YOUR MICROMILLING PERFORMANCE? Confidently machine barelyvisible hardened mold and diesurfaces with high-precision,high-quality finishes with thenew Jabro® JM100 mini endmills. Precisely produced geometries,virtually zero runout, advancedcoatings and tight radialtolerances give the JM100 Miniincredibly long tool life andexceptional reliability.
KEY SECO ... още |
Feel the new nano-laminate PVDcoating and get improved toollife! The Seco TTP2050 threadinggrade gives you fast, safethreading that‘s reliable andpredictable in common steels,stainless steels and cast-ironmaterials. STOP SCRAPPING YOURTHREADING PROFITABILITY. KEYSECO ... още |
THE EVOLUTIONOF FACE MILLINGCUTTERS CONTINUES. Maximize machine output andreduce cost per cutting edge inyour face-milling operations withthe Seco Double QuattromillTM14face-milling cutter. Its two leadangle versions include double-sided,eight-edged inserts developed to cutfreely at deeper depths-of-cut, withlower cutting forces and less machinepower – also to ensure workpiecestability. SECO ... още |
Control them instead withSeco’s RCMx inserts. Thenew expanded line of RCMxinserts with Duratomic® gradetechnology and new chipbreakersboost workpiecesurface finish quality and increasemachining stability inheavy turning operations onextremely tough materials. STOP FIGHTING BIG CHIPSFROM YOUR HEAVY-DUTYTURNING OPERATIONS. KEYKnowledgeExperienceYieldMachining Days Bulgaria 2018 SECO ... още |
Start saving now withSeco’s new DoubleQuattromill® 22cutter with eightmulti-edge,doublesided insertsthat give you twicethe tool life. WHY WASTE MONEY ONSINGLE-SIDED INSERTS? KEYKnowledgeExperienceYieldMachining Days Bulgaria 2018 SECO ... още |
Make easy work ofhard to machinematerials with Seco’snew LP09 rectangularshaped high feedmilling insertsfor High Feed 2™cutter bodies. LIFE IS TOUGH ENOUGH, BUTYOUR MACHINING DOESN’THAVE TO BE. KEYKnowledgeExperienceYieldMachining Days Bulgaria 2018 SECO
... още |
KEY KnowledgeExperienceYeldMachining Days Bulgaria 2018 Innovation through InspirationManufacturing BestPractice Conference A must for manufacturers focused on how to make complex,precision components faster, better and more commercialthan before. Experience the power of positive partnershipand collaborative approach to problem solving. Join us andfeel the benefits of a long term profitable relationship. Be sure not to ... още |
SECO WE’VE MADE IT EASIERTo help you navigatecomplex metalworkingprocesses, we’ve simplifiedand enhanced yoursecotools.com experienceto provide the resourcesyou need to improveyour productivity in onecentralized location. ONE SITE. EVERYTHING SECO.Connect to everything you need atsecotools.com KEY KnowledgeExperienceYeldMachining Days Bulgaria 2018 ... още |
WE’VE MADE IT EASIERTo help you navigatecomplex metalworkingprocesses, we’ve simplifiedand enhanced yoursecotools.com experienceto provide the resourcesyou need to improveyour productivity in onecentralized location. ONE SITE. EVERYTHING SECO.Connect to everything you need atsecotools.com SECOTOOLS.COM SECO TOOLS SI D.O.O.TEL +386 2 450 23 40FAX +386 2 450 23 41EMAIL:SECO.SI@SECOTOOLS.COM ... още |
KEYKnowledge Experience YieldMachining Days Bulgaria 2018 128DAYS LEFT Save the date 25-th - 26-th Octoberwww.keydays.bg ... още |
Designed for aerospacemanufacturers, Seco’s latestSquare T4-12 long reachcutters with HSK-100A backends optimize side-millingoperations and featurereplaceable ends if a customsolution is needed or when afirst-row insert radii breaks. HIGHER PRODUCTIVITYIS WITHIN REACH SECOTOOLS.COM SECO TOOLS SI D.O.O.TEL +386 2 450 23 40FAX +386 2 450 23 41EMAIL: SECO.SI@SECOTOOLS.COM ... още |
Seco’s complete Duratomicinsert grade chain now includeseven more sizes and geometriesfor TP and TK turning gradeinserts. Unique edge-detectioncoating technology helps eliminatewaste by making it quickand easy to identify if a cuttingedge has made contact with aworkpiece. BECAUSE AN INSERT EDGE ISA TERRIBLE THING TO WASTE SECOTOOLS.COM SECO TOOLS SI D.O.O.TEL +386 2 450 ... още |
Boost holemaking performance inISO P materials when you switchto Seco´s new solid carbideFeedmax - P drill. Experience upto 35 percent increased productivity as well as longer tool lifeall thanks to the combination ofa new geometry and an advancedcoating. WANT 35% MORE HOLEMAKINGPRODUCTIVITY? SECO TOOLS SI D.O.O.TEL +386 2 450 23 40FAX +386 ... още |
With a dedication to constantimprovement we`re advancingthe popular Minimaster Plusreplaceable milling system toinclude shorter-flute cuttingheads. Such additions allowhigher cutting forces andprovide higher performance in demanding applications.
THE BEST JUST GOT BETTERAn improved design makes the already outstanding Perfomax drill even better. Innovative features – such as a new flute design, wave pattern and laser hardening – add strengthstability and accuracy to ensure consistent performance and dependability for all applications.SECO TOOLS SI D.O.O.TEL +386 2 450 23 ... още |
Our latest collection of solutions meets a variety of specific needs. We´ ve got the tools that wil help you in your constant drive to improve.Our global team listens to your needs and develops the products you need to stay ahead.
WE’VE MADE IT EASIERTo help you navigatecomplex metalworkingprocesses, we’ve simplifiedand enhanced yoursecotools.com experienceto provide the resourcesyou need to improveyour productivity in onecentralized location.ONE SITE. EVERYTHING SECO.Connect to everything you need atsecotools.comSECO TOOLS SI D.O.O.TEL +386 2 450 23 40FAX +386 2 450 23 41EMAIL: SECO.SI@SECOTOOLS.COM ... още |
Developed for cast iron turning applications, our TK1501 and TK0501 high-performance grades feature a Duratomic®-technology-based coating that makes them tougher and more wear resistant. They also incorporate our Chrome Used-Edge Detection, which reduces waste and increases parts peredge by making it easy to identify when an edge has been used. WE ... още |
We stay on top of the latest metalworkingtrends and anticipatefuture market requirementsso that we can develop cuttingtool solutions that keep ourcustomers ahead of the manufacturingcurve. You’ll noticesome of these efforts in SecoNews Summary 2016-1 where weintroduce several new productsthat will further enhanceyour parts manufacturing.TAKE YOUR PRODUCTIVITYTO THE NEXT LEVELSECOTOOLS.COM/MYPAGESSECO TOOLS ... още |
THE SIMPLE POWER OF SUGGESTSimplify the way you select tooling for new and existing projects with Suggest, the latest addition to the My Pages digital portal. A powerful tool incorporating extensive metalworking expertise, Suggest will help you find a solution for your application.YOU JUST GOT A NEW TECHNICAL ASSISTANTSECOTOOLS.COM/MYPAGESSECO TOOLS ... още |
SIMPLY POWERFUL & POWERFULLY SIMPLE.С My Pages всичко, което трябва да стои начело за кривата на производството, сега почива във вашата длан. От продуктoвите наличности до базата данни за металорежещи инструменти, това мощно приложение опростява рутинните задачи, така че да можете да се съсредоточите върху областите, които са съществено важни ... още |
DURATOMIC® TP0501, TP1501, TP2501
We have worked to improve and enhance
the Duratomic turning inserts
– to give you even more competitive
benefits when it comes to high speed
production, balanced production
and versatile production. Also, Edge
Intelligence in the form of used edge
detection ensures that you don’t
throw away inserts with unused edges.
So, get the chrome ones!
CHROME ... още
Often imitated, ever replicated.
First launched in 2007,
Duratomic has been the benchmark
for excellence in the cutting
tool industry ever since. To
this day, our turning grades continue
to give our customers an
advantage that has been copied,
but never actually duplicated.
TEL +386 2 450 23 40
FAX +386 2 450 23 41
... още
Constant improvement is a necessity for staying successful. With Seco News 2013.2, you gain access to a range of inno-vative new solutions for turning, milling, threading, advanced materials and other appli-cations. These latest product introductions will improve your processes and productivity, ensuring success in today’s ... още
Jabro Solid2 JS550 Solid Carbide End Mills
• Dual-core design boosts stability and reduces deflection
• Maintains precision while applying aggressive cutting data
• Differential pitch eliminates chatter
• SironA coating reduces friction and increases tool life
Experience the New Standard for General Machining
Seco tools SI D.O.O.
tel +386 2 450 23 40
fax +386 2 450 ... още
Seco разширява сериятаTurbo 10 за стандартночелно-цилиндрично фрезованеSeco разширява сериятаTurbo 10 за стандартночелно-цилиндрично фрезованеSeco обяви значително разши-ряване на своята успешна серияфрези Turbo 10 за стандартночелно-цилиндрично фрезоване.Целта е постигане на още по-го-ляма гъвкавост в гамата продук-ти като разширението включвавъвеждане на нови пластини с но-ви геометрии и радиуси, а същои пускането на пазара ... още
Milling DoubleOctomill
Drilling Perfomax & DP3000
Seco Tools ... още
Milling DoubleOctomill
Drilling Perfomax & DP3000
Seco Tools ... още
Новият брой 9/2024